Skyjack Supports the University of Guelph Arboretum with Fall Tree Seed Harvest
POSTED October 23, 2023
OCTOBER 23, 2023; Linamar Corporation’s (TSX:LNR) Skyjack division is proud to again support The Arboretum at the University of Guelph with their annual fall tree seed harvest by supplying an SJ60 AJ+.
Established in 1970 by the University of Guelph, The Arboretum encompasses 400 acres adjacent to the campus and features extensive plant collections, gardens, walking trails, natural woodlands, wetlands and meadows. The Arboretum acts as a living laboratory, playing an integral role in many undergraduate courses, public programs and plant, species and environmental research at all levels.
With over 1,700 different taxa of woody plants in their collection, many of which are not commercially available, The Arboretum takes a very active role in seed collection. Collecting seeds not only helps in the continued development of their grounds and collections, but also aids in conservation efforts in Canada and beyond.
In addition to the loaned SJ60 AJ+, this partnership also provides training and capacity building for The Arboretum staff to help them access hard-to-reach seeds in tree canopies. This work is vital for the rare and endangered tree populations at The Arboretum.
“We are so grateful for this partnership,” said Justine Richardson, Director, The Arboretum. “This support expands our efforts to conserve biodiversity and connect people to nature — both urgent needs for our community and a healthy future for all. This year’s seed harvest was especially strong in oak acorns and endangered cucumber magnolia seed.”
The Arboretum is actively engaged in several conservation activities that rely on the collection and archiving of threatened woody plant species in seed banks and other research institutions. The Arboretum staffs collects seeds responsibly from the wild, naturally occurring populations, as well as the seed orchards from their Rare Woody Plants of Ontario program.
“At Skyjack we are always happy to lend a hand to The Arboretum,” said Malcolm Early, VP of Marketing, Skyjack. “It fills us with pride to use a homegrown product to assist our community. The Arboretum team does admirable work and their conservation and research work has lasting impact both locally and beyond.”
In addition to the fall tree seed harvest, Skyjack also supported the annual Arb Expo: Tree Day + Plant Sale. Taking place on September 9th, over 1,000 attendees took part in the events of the day which celebrated trees at the arboretum with the aim of connecting people to nature, sharing knowledge, and fostering sustainable actions.