Customer Access Centre
POSTED September 22, 2017
Skyjack celebrates opening of their new Customer Access Centre
Linamar Corporation’s (TSX-LNR) Skyjack division opened its new Customer Access Centre in Guelph to deepen relationships with partners and the local community with whom the company is celebrating over 30 years of success. The crowd was joined by Mayor Cam Guthrie, Skyjack customers, employees and community members. As part of the festivities, guests were invited to shoot basketballs into hoops positioned at Skyjack equipment to help raise funds for the United Way. Guests also learned about Skyjack’s Guelph heritage at its new history museum that is part of the centre.
Above, news segment from the event featured on CTV News Kitchener!
Below, the ribbon cutting ceremony had Mayor Guthrie joined by Linamar's president and CEO, Linda Hasenfratz, Linamar's COO, Jim Jarrell and Skyjack's president, Brad Boehler.