Hydraulic Generators
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The Skyjack engine powered rough terrain scissorlift and boomlift models can be equipped with a hydraulic generator option to supply AC power to the platform. Some boomlift models can be equipped with a welder package option to power a small welder in the platform. The generator is controlled by a coil operated valve that routes oil flow to the pump located on the generator pack. The generator rotates and produces an AC voltage that is sent to the AC receptacle on the platform. If you have a problem, the first thing to check is that the generator is spinning. Check the generator shaft for rotation with the circuit turned on. No rotation may mean the valve is not working or not getting powered. Check for oil flow to the generator pump. If the generator pump shaft is rotating, check the pump/generator coupling, it can get loose and slip on either shaft. If the coupling is good and the shaft is spinning properly, check the RPM’s of the generator shaft. The generator manufacturers specify a rotation speed of no less than 3600 RPM. This is critical; some generators will have low output at 3550 rpm. Use a photo tachometer to test the shaft rotation speed. If an adjustment is needed, some generator hydraulic circuits will have a flow control valve which can adjust the flow to the generator pump to attain the proper speed. Remember to always check AC output at the generator in case the problem is the wiring to the platform. If you have good voltage, and still no tool operation, check the hertz of the AC signal. Most volt meters have a hertz test selection and in North America the hertz should be 60Hz when read on the meter. Generator packages from several manufacturers are used on our models and can be slightly different from each other. Always reference the correct manual for the serial number of the unit you are working on to obtain the correct test and adjustment information. If you have any question regarding your Skyjack product, please contact Skyjack Product Support at 1-800-275-9522 or email service@skyjack.com. |
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To prevent premature transmission failures when operating the drive function on the telehandler models, it is best to remember to operate the machine in the proper gear or speed. The operating manual states: “Select appropriate gear for the task being performed. Select a lower gear when transporting a load, traveling through deep mud, rough terrain, or slopes. Select higher gears only when traveling long distances on smooth terrain without a load.” This information is stated in the correct operating manual for the model and serial number of the machine you are operating or servicing. |
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